From George Washington to James Madison, 5 May 1789
To James Madison
New York May 5th 1789.
My dear Sir,
Notwithstanding the conviction I am under of the labour which is imposed upon you by Public Individuals as well as public bodies—yet, as you have begun, so I could wish you to finish, the good work in a short reply to the Address of the House of Representatives (which I now enclose) that there may be an accordance in this business.1
Thursday 12 Oclock, I have appointed to receive the Address. The proper place is with the House to determine. As the first of everything, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent, it is devoutly wished on my part, that these precedents may be fixed on true principles.2 With affectionate regard I am ever Yours
Go: Washington
ALS (photocopy), DLC:GW; ALS, sold by Charles Hamilton, December 1972.
1. For the enclosure, see the address from the United States House of Representatives, 5 May 1789 and source note.
2. For the ceremonies surrounding the presentation, see the House of Representatives to GW, 5 May 1789, and GW to the House of Representatives, 8 May 1789.