George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Drayton, 20 September 1788

From William Drayton

Charleston, So. Carolina. Septr 20. 1788.

Dear Sir,

I have the Honour to transmit to you a late Publication by our agricultural Society in this State. It is a Beginning only; but I hope the Subject will increase in it’s Progress.1 The Prospect, which the new Confederation opens to America, of an energetic Government, must doubtless stimulate the Genius of every Citizen to exert those means, by which not only his own Interests will be increas’d, but at the same time will be secur’d with the general welfare & Strength of his Country. Permit me to offer my best Compliments to the Ladies of your Family, & to assure your Excellency of my being, with the greatest Respect & Regard, your most obedient humble Servant

Wm Drayton.


1Drayton wrote GW on 23 Nov. 1785 informing him that he had been elected the first honorary member of the South Carolina Agriculture Society. The enclosed pamphlet, Letters and Observations on Agriculture, &c. Addressed to, or Made by the South-Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture, and Other Rural Concerns, printed in Charleston in 1788, was in GW’s library at his death.

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