George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Drayton, 10 January 1787

From William Drayton

Charleston [S.C.] Jany 10. 1787


I should have done myself the Honour of acknowleging sooner the Receipt of your Letter, dated Novr 12th, but that by some unaccountable Delay it did not reach my Hands, ’till a few Days ago.

The Trouble you have had with my Negro Man demands the most grateful Sentiments, & the warmest Thanks from me; altho’ the Event did not answer your kind Intentions on the Occasion.1

I beg Leave to offer my most respectful Compliments to Mrs Washington, & to your Nephew and his Lady, & to assure your Excellency, that with the highest Esteem & Regard I am, Sir, your most obedient & obliged humble Servant

Wm Drayton


1No letter from GW to Drayton of 12 Nov. has been found, but it seems certain that Drayton is referring to the letter from GW dated 20 November.

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