From George Washington to Lafayette, 21 July 1787
To Lafayette
Philadelphia July 21st 1787
My dear Marqs,
This letter will be presented to you by Mr Rucker, Partner in the House of Constable Rucker & Co. of New York and agent for Robert Morris Esqr. in France; on whose business he now is and whose instance I take the liberty of introducing him to your Civilities & to countenance if in the course of his transactions he shall stand in need of the latter.
Mr Rucker is represented to me as a Gentleman of character and worth—one who will merit your friendship—and may be obliged by your advice—I have in charge Mr Morris’s Compliments to you1—To add how much, and how sincerily I regard you, would be unnecessary because you are already convinced of the Affection of Your Obedt & Obliged
G. Washington
1. For Robert Morris’s earlier correspondence regarding John Rucker and William Constable of New York, see Morris to GW, 15 June 1784.