From George Washington to Lafayette, 30 June 1787
To Lafayette
Philadelphia June 30th 1787
My dear Marqs,
The Gentleman who will do the honor of presenting this letter to you is Mr Shipping—Son of your old acquaintance Doctr Shipping of this City who having been at the Temple proposes to visit Paris, and of course to offer homage to you—He is a very sensible young man and as far as opportunities are offorded me to judge—possesses a well cultivated mind which unduces me without hesitation or apology to introduce him to your countenance and Civilities.1 To repeat to you the assurances of that Friendship with which I am warmed would not add ought to your conviction of it because you are already persuaded of the sincere regard and affection sentiments with which I always am Yr &c.
Go: Washington
1. Thomas Lee Shippen (1765–1798) was the son of the distinguished Philadelphia doctor William Shippen, Jr. (1736–1808), and of Alice Lee Shippen, sister of Arthur, William, Francis Lightfoot, and Richard Henry Lee. Young Shippen traveled in Europe until 1789 (see William Shippen, Jr., to GW, 6 April 1789). On this day, 30 June 1787, GW also wrote to Rochambeau: “My dear Count, Give me leave to introduce Mr Shippen a young Gentleman of this City, just from the Temple, to your Civilities—He is a man of Education information, and good character; and one with whom I am persuaded you will be made pleased. He proposes to visit Paris, and I believe other parts of the Continent which is the reason of my giving you the trouble of this introduction of him, at the same time that it affords an occasion of renewing those assurances of Friendship and regard, with which I have the honor to be—My dear Genl Yr Most Obedt & Affe. Servant G. Washington” (LB, DLC:GW).
The letter that GW wrote to Thomas Jefferson introducing Shippen, which the copyist misdated in GW’s letter book, “Phila. Sept. 26th—87,” a week after GW had left Philadelphia, in fact was written at about this time. It reads: “My dear Sir, The merits of Mr Shippen, Son of Doctr Shippen of this City, will be the best apology I can offer for introducing him to your attention and civilities whilst he is in Paris. He is a young Gentleman of Talents and improvement—these I am sure you love, I shall only add therefore how much and how sincerely I am—yours &. G. Washington” (DLC:GW).