George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Hunter, Jr., 11 May 1787

From William Hunter, Jr.

Alexandria 11th May 1787


Mathew Whiting, Esqr. was here yesterday, and was very uneasy he had not seen you, to pay some money, before you sett out for Philadelphia,1 I told him I could easily contrive it, if he would give me the Cash or Tobo, Accordingly he put into my hands £40.0.0 Virga Curry, for which I now send a dra[f]t on Robert Morris Esqr. @ 10d. pr which doubt not will be duly honour’d2—I am just from Fredericksburgh, where I understood Mrs Washington was continuing better—And am with Respect—your Excellency’s very hble Servt

Will. Hunter Jr


2GW, who left for Philadelphia on 9 May, records the receipt on 27 May of a £50 draft drawn on Robert Morris by William Hunter, Jr., for Whiting (Philadelphia Cash Accounts, 9 May–22 Sept. 1787).

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