To George Washington from Robinson, Sanderson, & Rumney, 12 January 1787
From Robinson, Sanderson, & Rumney
Whitehaven [England] 12th Jany 1787
By the Esther Capt. Ledger we hope you will receive the above safe, & please.1 We shall always be happy to forward you any thing we can procure in this Part of the Country and are with the greatest Respect Sir Your much Oblig’d & Very Hble Servts
Robinson Sanderson & Rumney
Mr Sanderson presents his Comps. to you & your Lady.
N.B. We shall forward you soon Two Hounds of Slow pace.
1. The accompanying invoice from Whitehaven, dated 10 Jan., lists “125 Diamond Flaggs” at a charge of £13.18.1½, which GW had ordered for the floor of his piazza at Mount Vernon. See GW to John Rumney, Jr., 3 July 1784, and citations in that document. They also billed him for “1 pair Best Spectacles, Silver Frames,” £1.2, and for “4 pair best Eyes, fitted to the Silver Frames & fixed in Wire @ 2/6,” ten shillings. The total charge for the articles and shipping in Virginia currency was £8.6.9.