To George Washington from Robinson, Sanderson, & Rumney, 28 January 1786
From Robinson, Sanderson, & Rumney
W[hit]ehaven [England] Jany 28th 1786.
By the Ship Esther Captn Ledger you will receive your Flags, which we hope may Arrive safe and Answer the intended purpose, There are 1400 Flags which the Mason thinks sufficient to lay the Floor, They are packd with Straw & have not a doubt they will go safe from Breakage, as every care was taken to have them well pack’d.1 We should be glad to hear they answer your Expectation, and are on all Occasions Sir Your most obt Hble Servts
Robinson, Sanderson & Rumney
1. An enclosed bill indicates charges of £43.15 for the tiles at 7½ pence per tile, with other charges including the packing bringing the total cost to £46.13. For GW’s dealings with John Rumney, Jr., to obtain flagstones from abroad for his gallery, or piazza, at Mount Vernon, see GW to John Rumney, Jr., 3 July 1784, and the references in note 1 of that document.