To George Washington from James Tilghman, 23 September 1786
From James Tilghman
Chester Town [Md.] Sept 23d 1786
Dear & honred Sir
I yesterday received your favour of the 2d of this month which came in time to stop the transmissal of your Paragraph relating to Capt. Asgils confinement I had not met with any opportunity proper for the Conveyance of it And you may relye on its not being known to any person living but myself.
Miss Anderson furnished me with a letter from Mr John West to Mr Hollyday, which may afford you some insight in this matter of the Legacy by Col. Colvilles will I send you a Copy.1 I am with much respect yr most obt hble Servt
James Tilghman
1. Tilghman wrote GW on 7 July about Harriot Anderson and her need for her legacy from the Thomas Colvill estate. For references to the earlier correspondence about Miss Anderson and her legacy, which includes a letter to GW from her uncle Henry Hollyday, of 30 April 1785, see Tilghman to GW, 7 July, n.2. The enclosed letter to Hollyday, dated 7 Feb. 1776, was from John West, Jr., another trustee of the Colvill estate (DLC:GW).