From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 30 January 1786
To Clement Biddle
Mount Vernon Jany 30th 1786
Dear Sir,
I embrace the good & safe oppertunity afforded me by Colo. Grayson to send you Ten half Johan[ne]s—the application of which shall be the subject of a Letter by the Post, when I have more leizure to write—not being able to mention the purposes for which they are intended at this time1—With much truth I am Dr Sir Yr Obedt Hble Servt
Go: Washington
ALS, PHi: Washington-Biddle Correspondence. The letter was “Hon[ore]d by Colo. [William] Grayson.”
1. GW sent Biddle his order for goods on 10 February. Biddle wrote an account on the cover sheet of GW’s letter showing an expenditure of £37.12.6 for GW between August 1785 and 19 Mar. 1786 as opposed to payments from GW of £47.5, leaving him owing GW £9.17.6. In , 207, for 28 Jan. 1786 there is the entry: “By Colo. Biddle, Sent by Colo. Grierson [Grayson], 10 H[alf] Jo[hanne]s—[£]24.”