From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 11 December 1785
To Clement Biddle
Mount Vernon 11th Decr 1785
Dear Sir,
I have received your favor of the 29th Ulto and thank you for your repeated offer of Services in Philadelphia.1 By Major Fairlie I send you Six pounds Pensylvania Curry and would thank you to pay Mr Cary Printer for his Paper—and to pay Oswald for his—I know not upon what footing he sends them. by no order of mine do they come, and it is only now and then, I get one. yet I do not want to lay under any obligation to him—Claypoole & Dunlaps Papers now come regularly & I could wish they were also paid.
For what can sheet copper be bought in Phila. at this time? I believe I shall have occasion to add to the quantity which was sent me from thence last year, to complete my buildings.2
Mrs join me in every good wish for you, Mrs Biddle & family—with great esteem I am Dear Sir: Yr Obedt & Affecte Hble Servt
Go: Washington
ALS, PHi: Washington-Biddle Correspondence.
1. Letter not found.
2. In his letter book (ViMtvL), Biddle entered an account and memorandum dated “Philad. Decr 27: 1785”:
Acknowledged rect of £6 Cash ⅌ Major [James] Fairlie. | |
Paid Dunlaps Accot for News papers | £5.0.0 |
Paid Careys d. for d. to July next | 2.6.3 |
7.6.3 |
And Inclosed the Accot & rects ⅌ post—added—Mr Oswald by a late fray in wch he was wounded is Confined to his house therefore I had no Opportunity to pay him yet but it shall be done.
Price of Copper 22½d.
David C. Claypoole and John Dunlap were printers of the Pennsylvania Packet, Mathew Carey of the Pennsylvania Evening Herald, and Eleazer Oswald of the Independent Gazette, all in Philadelphia. For GW’s earlier complaints about the delivery of the Pennsylvania Packet, see GW to Biddle, 1 Feb. 1785, notes 3 and 4.