To George Washington from Major General Robert Howe, 29 January 1781
From Major General Robert Howe
Smith’s (formerly Head quarters)1 [Highlands, N.Y.]
29th January 1781.
Dear Sir
I have this moment got the letters design’d for me last night & mention’d in my Express of to day & tho’ I See not much cause to alter my determination expressd in that letter yet I Shall wait here your Excellency’s orders. Colo. Barber has detain’d the artillery & the New Hampshire detachment. I am Dear Sir with the Sincerest Respect your Excellency’s Most humble & most obedient Servant.
Robert Howe
P.S. I incluse the Letters & papers.2
LS, DLC:GW. GW replied to Howe on this date.
1. Smith’s tavern served as GW’s headquarters between 7 and 21 June 1779 (see the general orders for those dates; see also General Orders, 23 June 1779, n.1).
2. These enclosures were evidently the same as those enclosed with Lt. Col. Francis Barber’s letter to GW of this date, which likely accompanied this letter.