To George Washington from Ezekiel Cheever, 13 January 1781
From Ezekiel Cheever
Springfield [Mass.] January 13th 1781
Hond Sir
In obedience to your Excellencys Commands Decmr 17th which I recd the first Instant.
I, immediately wrote to ord. depy Commissary Barber at Boston to procure a proper Guard to escort sd Collins and Send him to me at this Post.1
Last evening Collins came to town under the care of a Sergt & two men. Sergant James Willes pursuant to his orders deliver’d Collins up to me and I lodged him in the County goal as I could not find a better Security.
By favor of Genl Knox and his direction I appointed Mr John Collins a depy Commissary M. Stores January 1778 He to act as my Clerk, which He, engaged to do & is all, I hoped, as he professed i⟨t⟩ would Satisfy & animate him to the Chearful and faithful discharge of his duty. but my hopes and expectations where disapointed, he Soon grew Haught[y] &; imperious, however I did not belive him Capable of Such ingratitude and Villianous practices as now appear, I must own I Conceived too favourably of him & put too much trust & Confiden[c]e in him & have been Very much deceived by him.
after he found his ambitious Views frustrated He sett himself to Traduce & injure me all that his envious proud & haughty Spirit could devise.
I pray your Excellency will be pleased, to indulge me with timely notice of his tryal that I may be prepared with proper Evidences, and beg your orders & directions for my prosecuting the affair—I have the honor to be Your, Excellencys, Most Obedient & most Humble Servant
Ezekl Cheever D.C.G.m.S.
ALS, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp David Humphreys wrote on the docket: “Ansd by the Letter to Col. Shephard of Feb. 5th 1781” (see GW to William Shepard, 5 Feb.).
1. See GW to Cheever, 17 Dec. 1780, found at Cheever to GW, 2 Dec., n.2.