1To George Washington from Ezekiel Cheever, 9 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
Received of His Excellency General Washington, Ten Firelocks with Steel Rammers—Nine...
2Instructions to Ezekiel Cheever, 10 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
As the Army (at least part of it) is near the period of its dissolution, you are to exert...
3To George Washington from Ezekiel Cheever, 31 January 1777 (Washington Papers)
By direction of Hone Genl mcDougal I would accquaint yr Excelly I have only Forty broken Drums...
4From George Washington to Colonel Ezekiel Cheever, 13 June 1777 (Washington Papers)
I desire you will immediately transmit me an account of the Receipt and delivery of Arms in the...
5To George Washington from Colonel Ezekiel Cheever, 3 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
Your Excellencys order’s June 13th Came to hand the 24th ulto. I wrote Mr Collins my Clerk at...
6From George Washington to Colonel Ezekiel Cheever, 7 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
Application having been made to me by Governor Trumbull for Liberty to draw a Quantity of Arms...
7From George Washington to Colonel Ezekiel Cheever, 13 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
Yours of the 3d Instt has been duly received. Your business to Boston seems to have been of a...
8To George Washington from Ezekiel Cheever, 15 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
Sunday the 8th Inst. I was hond with your Commands Janry 15th (after the Post was gone) In...
9From George Washington to Ezekiel Cheever, 2 April 1778 (Washington Papers)
I yesterday recd yours of the 15th March with a general Return of the Ordnance, Arms and military...
10George Washington to Ezekiel Cheever, 17 May 1778 (Hamilton Papers)
Valley Forge, May 17, 1778 . Instructs Cheever to rush forward arms that are en route from...