George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Francisco Rendon, 26 December 1780

From Francisco Rendon

Philadelphia Decr 26. 1780


On the 22d Instt I had the honor to receive Your Exy’s most esteem’d Letter of the 14th in which Your Exy has been so kind as to acquaint me with the Intelligences acquired from New York, being that the Enemys were preparing an Embarkation to the number of about 2500 Men, to go under the Command of the Generals Kniphaussen & Philips, destined to the Southern.

That notwithstanding the Intelligence was not of the greatest Certainty, Your Exy had thought proper to Impart me with it, promising at the same time that as soon as the further particulars come to hand Your Excy’s goodness woud in like manner have them convey’d to my knowledge:1 for so many and such distingd favors as Your Exy’s kindness place on me, the which so much Contribute to the good Exit of my Comission; give Your Exy my most gratefull thanks, praying the Continuation of them, being the means of pleasing the Chief Officers of the Superiour Governments I impart them to.

Yesterday arrived in this River a Vessell from the Havana, by which I received Letters from the Govor & Captn General, and from divers Gentn of that Place, in them they acquaint me with the disagreable advise, that the Men of War which Sail’d from that Port against Pansacola, had put back in bad Situation by the Hurricane which happened the 18th October That of the Transports 23 had arrived at Campeche with sixteen hundred Men, and that they did not as yet know what had become of the remainder of them to 41. in number, but that they were Working with the greatest Activity to Continue that Expedition,2 and altho’ the other against St Augustin is to take place its provable that the above Accident may retard it3—the results of which they offer me to mention by first opportunity, when I shall do myself the pleasure to acquaint Your Exy with:4 Mean time I have the honor to remain. Your Excy’s most Obedt and Most Hble Servt

Francisco Rendon


2For the Spanish expedition against Pensacola, see Rendon to GW, 30 Sept., n.2; see also La Luzerne to GW, 5 Dec., and Lafayette to GW, 26 December.

3For Spanish operations against the British in Florida, see Lafayette to GW, 4 and 5 (two letters) December (first letter; second letter).

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