George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Francisco Rendon, 14 December 1780

To Francisco Rendon

Head Quarters New Windsor Decr 14. 1780


I have the honor to inform you that I have just recieved intelligence from New York, that another embarkation was preparing at that place; the Corps of which it is said to consist, will amount to about 2500 Men; it is also reported, this Detachment is to be under the Orders of the Generals Knyphausen and Philips; and supposed to be destined to the Southward. Altho the information is not thro such a channel, as to demand entire credit,1 I thought it expedient for you to be apprised of it;2 when the Matter is more fully ascertained I shall not fail to give you such farther particulars as may be necessary to subserve the interest of his Most Catholic Majesty.3 I have the honor to be.

P.S. I was duly honored with Yours of the 28th Novr.4

Df, in David Humphreys’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Humphreys struck out “confidence” on the draft and wrote “credit” above the line.

2For this intelligence, see Anthony Wayne to GW, 10 Dec., and n.2; see also GW to Thomas Jefferson, 9 Dec., postscript, and n.9.

3GW provided better intelligence on this British embarkation when he wrote Rendon on 2 Jan. 1781 (DLC:GW).

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