George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General William Heath, 8 December 1780

To Major General William Heath

Head Quarters New Windsor Decr 8th 1780

Dear Sir

I have been favored upon my arrival here, with your several Letters of the 28th and 29th Ulto also the 1st and 3d Instant.1

I am informed that the salted Beef which was expected from the Eastward, has come forward; and am to request that 100 Barrels of it, may be immediately embarked and sent to Albany, while the River remains open, for the use of the Garrison of Fort Schuyler: the remainder should be kept in reserve, and not issued on any account whatever.

The sooner that destined for Fort Schuyler, can be got to Albany the better, that it may be pushed from thence, by the first conveyance to the Garrison.2 I am Dear Sir With great esteem & regard Your Most Obedient Hble Servant

Go: Washington

LS, in David Humphreys’s writing, MHi: Heath Papers; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW signed the cover of the LS.

1See Heath to GW, 29 Nov. and 3 Dec.; see also Heath to GW, 28 Nov., found at GW to Heath, 26 Nov., n.2; and Heath to GW, 1 Dec., found at Benjamin Tallmadge to GW, 25 Nov., n.13.

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