To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 29 November 1780
From Major General William Heath
West Point Novr 29th 1780
Dear General
I have been honored with your two favors of the 27th. have desired Colonel Hay to forward fifty head of the largest Cattle from the Eastward to Albany, to be sent from thence to Fort Schuyler.1 Have ordered the Rhode Island Regiment to march and hutt near Robinsons Mills—Have forwarded the letter to Colo. Sheldon, and ordered a Detachment to patrole on the Lines.2 I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Your Excellencys Most Obedient Servant
W. Heath
LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers. GW acknowledged this letter when he wrote Heath on 8 December.
1. See GW’s second letter to Heath, 27 Nov., found at Heath to GW, 22 Nov., n.2. Heath had written Lt. Col. Udny Hay, New York state agent, from headquarters at West Point on 27 Nov.: “Colonel Malcom lately represented to me that about fifty Head of Beef Cattle were necessary for Fort Schuyler and that those purchased in this State were Generally Small and not so advantageous to drive Such a distance as the larger Cattle from the Eastward, I would therefore request that you would immediately order Fifty Beef Cattle of the Largest and Best you have on hand which have been Sent forward to you from the Eastward Sent immediately to Albany addressed to the Order of General James Clinton, to be by him forwarded to Fort Schuyler Should you want any advice or Assistance from His Excellency Governor Clinton, please apply to him for it. … P.S. Let the Cattle be taken from the place most Convenient If you cannot get them nearer apply to Mr Foote” (MHi: Heath Papers). Hay replied to Heath on 3 Dec. (see GW to Hay, 27 Nov., n.4).
2. See GW’s third letter to Heath, 27 Nov., found at GW to Elisha Sheldon, same date, source note.