George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Timothy Pickering, 19 November 1780

From Colonel Timothy Pickering

Camp [Preakness] Novr 19. 1780.


Four days ago I sent off an express to Springfield & Boston with letters to Otis & Henley—the Clothier at Springfield, Colo. Jabez Hatch my deputy at Boston, & to Mr Tuckerman his Assistant at Springfield—in all representing the naked condition of the troops, the near approach of winter, and the necessity of their instant exertions to forward the cloathing at both places to Newburgh.1 I had some time before directed Colo. Hatch to order all his teams to take the upper route thro’ Litchfield.

I have no person with me whom I could send to Springfield to see personally to the forwarding the cloathing: but will find some active officer for the purpose whom I will dispatch by to-morrow morning at the farthest.2

I cannot imagine the means of transportation can be wanting, as I have forwarded a warrant to Colo. Hatch on the Boston loan office for 40,000 new dollars, which are current in Massachusetts, & I believe ready in the office. Nevertheless, as a farther security against a disappointment, I will thank your Excellency for a letter to Govr Trumbull requesting his aid.3

I will direct Major Bruin to return With his fatigue party to camp by the route your Excellency has prescribed. I have the honour to be most respectfully your obedt servant

Tim. Pickering Q.M.G.

ALS, DLC:GW; copy, MHi: Pickering Papers; copy, DNA: RG 93, Records of Quartermaster General Timothy Pickering, 1780–87.

1Pickering’s letters have not been identified, but see GW to Pickering, this date.

Jabez Hatch (1737–1802) was an active patriot in Boston before Pickering appointed him deputy quartermaster general for New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island in October 1780. He served in that capacity until the end of the war.

Pickering probably refers to Abraham Tuckerman, who served as an assistant quartermaster general (see Horatio Gates to GW, 25 July 1779, n.2, and Oliver Phelps to GW, 2 May 1781, DLC:GW).

2Pickering again wrote GW from camp on this date: “Colonel Tupper has consented to go to springfield to Attend to the transportation of the Cloathing; and now waits on your Excellency for permission to proceed.

“Such information and directions as appeared necessary on the occasion I have given to Colonel Tupper in writing” (LB, DNA: RG 93, Records of Quartermaster General Timothy Pickering, 1780–87; see also General Orders, this date). Pickering’s letter to Col. Benjamin Tupper has not been identified.

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