XIV. George Washington to Colonel Timothy Pickering, 22 November 1780
To Colonel Timothy Pickering
Head Quarters 22d November 1780
You have been directed to furnish the Commanding Officer of the Boats with materials for muffling the Oars. to pay particular attention that they are in good order—well provided with oars—mounted on good Carriages and in such a manner that they cannot be injured—that the Horses are with them by Thursday 12 OClock—that they are then removed through the Notch below the Mountain, there to remain ’till Friday Morning—that there is Hay (and Grain if possible ready at that place ready to feed them amply) and that there is Hay and Grain also at Acquaquenack Bridge to feed them during their halt there. These particulars I doubt not you have taken your measures for.1
I have now to add that on Friday by [ ] OClock the transportation of the Boats from the Notch to Acququenack Bridge is to commence, and that it will be of the greatest importance, to have a compleat releif of good Horses, ready at Acquaquenack Bridge, early on Friday Afternoon, to accompany the Boats,2 and at a proper place releive the others, to hasten the transportation.
You will also furnish the Officer commanding the Boats with Oakum, thin plank and Nails to repair them with expedition in case of accident.
I must entreat your personal attention, as far as practicable, to the execution of these orders, that there may be a failure in no single Article to defeat our object, which, if happily terminated, will have the most valuable consequences. I rely absolutely on your exertions, and will not doubt the accomplishment of my wishes so far as depends upon you. I am with real Regard and Esteem Sir Your most obt Servt
Go: Washington
P.S. Some Forage will be necessary at the park of Artillery for the Horses that are to move the heavy peices.3
LS, enclosed with Alexander Hamilton’s final note to Pickering on 22 Nov. (found at Document X, n.3), in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 25279; Df, DLC:GW; copy, MHi: Pickering Papers; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote the postscript on the draft, which GW’s aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton otherwise penned.
Hamilton wrote Pickering on Thursday, 23 Nov.: “The General approves what you have done—what you propose to do; He only remarks that the horses for the artillery which are to be employed upon the occasion and for the boats are to be kept to their stations—All those not necessary to the expedition may go a foraging; it will be time enough for them to be in camp on saturday morning by light …
“The Pensylvania line will move early tomorrow towards Aquakanunk Bridge—for the purpose of the expedition. A part of the waggons may make the forage under their auspices which will cover the design” (DNA: RG 93, manuscript file no. 26399).
1. See Documents I and IX.
2. At this place on the draft, Hamilton wrote and struck out “a certain distance thence, which will be marked out at ⟨the⟩ time” at this place.
3. See Document XIII.