George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Captain John Fowles, 17 November 1780

From Captain John Fowles

Cranes Town [N.J.] 17th Novr 1780


at Eight oClock on the Morning of the Sixteenth, the whole of the Fleet That arrived the Fifteenth at the Narrows Appeared to be at ancorr with their Sails Partly Handed & partley Standing, a Thick Air prevented a Further observation untill This morning, ten o’Clock, their appears to be onley Seven Sail in Sight at that Place, out of the Twenty odd that appeared at First—no other Movement at Present I can Discover.1 I am your Excellencys most obedient Humble Servant

J. Fowles Capt. Offcer Grd


1Fowles observed the departure of British admiral George Rodney’s fleet and the arrival of supply ships from Cork, Ireland (see Lafayette to GW, 11 Nov., n.3, and 14 Nov., n.1; see also Lafayette to GW, 18 Nov.).

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