George Washington Papers

III. To George Washington from Captain John Fowles, 21 November 1780

From Captain John Fowles

Cranes Town [N.J.] 21th Novr 1780


This Morning Seven OClock I Recevd Intelegence that the enemy had Landed at Newark brak day But their Numbers as yet I cannot assertain I am informd that they have Some Artillery and from the Hights Can Discover a Large Smoak but hear No firing.1 I am Sir your Excellencys most obedient Humble Servt

J. Fowles Capt. Offr Guard.


1GW replied to Fowles from headquarters on this date: “I have recd your Letter of this Morng & hope the Horses under your charge have been removed out of the way of danger.

“You will be pleased to keep a vigilant lookout, and give me the earliest information of any movemt that may be made by the Enemy. … A party of Col. Moylans Dragoons, are ordered to Crane, to communicate the intelligence” (Df, in David Humphreys’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW).

New York printer Hugh Gaine wrote in his journal entry for this date: “some firing at Newark, where the Refugees went for some Cattle; but they were beat away, by a Part of General Washington’s Army” (Ford, Journals of Hugh Gaine description begins Paul Leicester Ford, ed. The Journals of Hugh Gaine, Printer. 1902. Reprint. [New York] 1970. description ends , 2:104).

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