George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 16 November 1780

From Major General William Heath

West Point Novr 16th 1780

Dear General

Capt. John Hughs & Lt Joseph Lewis of Colo. Hazens Regiment, who had leave to go to Head Quarters are wanted at the Court Martial now sitting here;1 I request they may be ordered to return as soon as may be. It is possible that one or both of them will apply to your Excellency for leave to resign—Colonel Hazen this moment informs me that they are both indebted to the regiment.2 I have the honor to be With the greatest respect Your Excellencys Most Obedient Servant

W. Heath

LS, DLC:GW; ADfS, MHi: Heath Papers.

1John Strang, deputy judge advocate general, had summoned Capt. John Hughes and Lt. Joseph Lewis on 15 Nov.: “You will be pleased to Attend before the Court-Martial now Setting on West Point on Wednesday the Twenty second day of this Instant at Ten OClock in the Forenoon of the Same Day. To Give Your Evidence in certain Plaints Exhibitted In behalf of the United [States] against Colonel Moses Hazen on the Part of the Prisoner” (DLC:GW). For Col. Moses Hazen’s court-martial, see Hazen to GW, 12 November. Both Hughes and Lewis had signed a memorial with grievances against Hazen (see Officers in the 2d Canadian Regiment to GW, 20 Sept.).

John Hughes, of Maryland, joined the 2d Canadian Regiment as lieutenant in November 1776 and was promoted to captain in September 1778. He resigned from the army in November 1781.

Joseph Lewis served as ensign in the Maryland battalion of the Flying Camp in July 1776 and began as lieutenant in the 2d Canadian Regiment in November 1776. He resigned from the army in November 1780.

2In his reply to Heath on 17 Nov., GW explained that Hughes had obtained a furlough and that Lewis had been discharged from the army.

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