From George Washington to Major General William Heath, 16 November 1780
To Major General William Heath
Head Quarters Passaic Falls 16th Novemr 1780
Dear Sir
I have received your favors of the 12th and 13th: The proceedings of the Court of Enquiry, on Colo. Varick, accompanied the former.1
I cannot conceive that the Jersey line has received the number of Recruits, which the Cloathing Return specifies, since those which were inlisted last Winter, and they, I presume, must have obtained their proportion of Cloathing with the other Men. You will inquire more particularly into the matter, and if you find it right, you will direct the quantity absolutely necessary to be delivered. I suppose, by the appearance of the Return, that it includes two Shirts and two pair of Stockings for each. Let those intitled have one of each at present, and they will have a further allowance when the general distribution is made. We have no Cloathing of any kind here—They must therefore take such as is2 at New Burgh.
I am in hopes that the Enemy do not mean to advance upon the Northern Frontier, by their halting so long near the Lake.3 I am with great Regard Dear Sir Your most obt Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, MHi: Heath Papers; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The cover of the LS is addressed to Heath at West Point. Heath replied to GW on 18 November.
1. In his letter to GW dated 12 Nov., Heath had enclosed the court of inquiry findings related to Lt. Col. Richard Varick’s involvement with Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold’s treachery. Heath wrote GW twice on 13 Nov.; for one of those letters, see GW to Heath, 12 Nov., n.8.
2. Tilghman wrote “it” on the LS.
3. No further British advance occurred along the New York frontier.