George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General John Glover, 7 November 1780

From Brigadier General John Glover

Totowa Bridge 7 Novr 1780


It appeared if I recollect right by the Minutes laid before the Board of Officers, by your Excellency a few days ago, that the Enemies force has been reduc’d about 1500 Since the 6th Septr.1 How much our army has weakened since that period, I do not pretend to determin; but should Imagin, from discharges, desertions, Deaths, & other Casualties; (Including Major Lees Corps gone to the Southward,) about Six Hundred; if this is the Case, and the six Months mens times are so near Expir’d;2 when the Massachusetts Lines only, will loose near 4,000 Men—its my Opinion no Troops can be spared from this to reinforce the Southern army.

If the Hampshire, Massachusetts, & New York Lines, be Sufficient to Garison West-Point & its Dependancies, I should recommend, Connecticutt, Jersey, & Pennsylvania Lines to be Cantoon’d in the Jersies.

The Continental Soldiers are almost naked, many of them falling sick with colds, bad Coughs, and Rheumatick Complaints, this with the saving that will be made in the wair of Tents, I think is an Argument to Induce us to take winter Quarters early.3 The last Campaign every thing Suffered by Keeping the Field so long, our Expectations were then Different, which fully Justified the Measure.4 With Difidence I am Sir your Excellencies most Obedt Humble servt

Jno. Glover B. General

LS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

2Glover refers to troops raised by the state governments in the summer to reinforce the Continental army until the end of 1780.

3For the Continental army’s winter encampment, see GW to Samuel Huntington, 28 Nov., and n.12.

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