George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General John Glover, 9 September 1780

From Brigadier General John Glover

Camp [Bergen County] 9 Sept. 1780


From the Flattering prospects of being Aided, with a fleet, from our most Illustrious Allies, Superior to the enemy, and a body of Troops, to Cooperate with us, this Campaign; I was led to hope, with the blessings of Heaven on our exertions, we Should have been able to Struck Some important blow; at least Dislodgd the enemy, from new York, if not Relived the Southern States; now Groaning, under the Arbitrary power, of Britian; and thereby laide a Foundation, for an Honorable peace.

But Sir, the Scene is Changd; and to me, appears Gloomy, & unpromising; the enemy’s naval force, being much Superior to that of our Allies, Their Land Army, now at New, York, equal, if not Superior to this. Under these Circumstances, I Presume it will not be, advisable to make an Attack on that Garrison; (I’m unaquainted with the Strength, or Situation of their out posts, Possibly a Stroek may be Immediately made on Some of them to Advantage,) but Should a Second Division of the french fleet arrive, and Joine the first, now at Rhoad Island, by the middle of Novebr, and no Detachment made from this army, Its my Opinion, one may be Made with a probability of Success. Should they arrive betwen that period, & the middle of Decmbr, (which I hardly think will be the Case, unless it be a part of the fleet now in the W: Indies,) An Expedition may be made against Charlestown, and Gorgia, that Climate being favorable to a Winters Campaign. The Present Alarming Situation, of the Southern States, Calls for the most Serious Attention; your Excellency, must be the best Judge, whether any Detachment Can be Sent to their Support, from this Army; In my Opinion there Cannot, while It remains in the present Position.1 With Diffidence I am Sir—Your Excellencys Most Obdt Hble Sert

Jno. Glover B. General

ALS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

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