From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay, 31 July 1780
To Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay
Head Quarters Peekskill 31st July 1780
Dear Sir
I must request you immediately to provide the means of transporting powder and Ball and Cartridge paper to the amount of one hundred thousand rounds to Albany—A Water conveyance will in every respect be most convenient and eligible, but if you should not have Boats and hands ready, you must procure Waggons. The critical situation of Fort schuyler renders a speedy relief necessary1—Men will be ready for the purpose,2 but there is not a sufficiency of Ammunition at Albany. The Commanding Officer of Artillery at West point will deliver the powder—Ball &ca when you send for them.3 They are to be delivered to Mr Van Rensalaer Commy of Military Stores at Albany. I am &.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Hay replied to GW on 2 August.
1. For the situation at Fort Schuyler, N.Y., see Goose Van Schaick to GW, 29 July (both letters [letter 1; letter 2]).
3. See GW to Henry Knox, this date.