George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay, 2 August 1780

From Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay

Fish Kill [N.Y.] 2nd August 1780


I had the honour of receiving your Excellencies letter of 31th ult. on the subject of forwarding immediately to Albany a quantity of Ammunition, every thing respecting which as far as in my power was immediately sett in motion, but I was oblidged to apply to the commanding officer at West Point for men.

A considerable Body of the Eastern Militia is now here, more are momently expected; I have advised the commanding officer to march his Troops down to the Army, but he says he has no orders for that purpose; I thought proper to acquaint your Excelleny of this by express, that you might have the earliest opportunity of transmitting such orders on the subject as you think necessary.1 I have the honour to be with the greatest respect Your Excellencies most obedt and very humble s⟨t⟩

Udny Hay


Hay wrote GW again from Fishkill on this date: “If the Machutussetts and New Hampshire troops are to march by the way of Claverac, I must beg leave to acquaint your Excellency that it will be absolutely necessary to send on a supply of Provisions for them nearly equal to what they will consume; beef cannot at present be gott in this Country and I have already furnishd near double the quantity of flour required at present of the States” (ALS, DLC:GW).

1GW replied to Hay on 3 August.

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