George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major Henry Lee, Jr., 25 July 1780

To Major Henry Lee, Jr.

Head Quarters [Preakness, N.J.] 25th July 1780

Dear Sir

I have recd yours of the 23d Inst. by which it appears as if the British Fleet were plying off and on1—The dispatches which were lodged in Monmouth for Count Rochambeau and Monsieur Ternay are no longer of use there2—You will therefore be pleased to take them up from Genl Forman, if they are in his hands, and either send them to me by an Officer, if one is coming this way, or keep them with you, till you meet with me again. I am &.

P.S. Upon recollection the dispatches contain some Maps which are wanted. You will therefore send them by an Officer, if no opportunity, on which you can perfectly depend, offers.

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1On 23 July, Lee wrote GW from Monmouth Court House, N.J.: “Since my last, the B. fleet has returned to their station off Sandy-hook, & again sailed.

“It is said that the Cork fleet is daily expected; if so, probably, the maneuvres of the navy are designed to cover them” (ALS, DLC:GW; Lee wrote “dragoon” on the cover). Lee previously had written GW on 20 July.

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