George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major Henry Lee, Jr., 24 July 1780

To Major Henry Lee, Jr.

Head Quarters [Preakness, N.J.] July 24th 1780

Dr Sir,

I am informed by General Foreman that there is a great number of horses in those parts of monmouth County within the Enemy’s power belonging to disaffected persons.1 To prevent the Enemy’s having the benefit of these and to have it ourselves—you will immediately set about driving off from the part of the Country under the above description all the horses fit for waggon or riding service—and deliver them to the Quarter Master Genl, giving certificates to the persons from whom they are taken, descriptive as far as you can of the quality and value of the horses—You will do the same with respect to fat Cattle, delivering these to the Commissary General.

The moment you have executed this business you will proceed to Easton where you will receive directions from the Qr Mr Genl for an impress of Teams in Pennsylvania.2

These objects are of the greatest importance at the present juncture, and I am persuaded you will execute them with your usual prudence decision and celerity.

I wish you to consult General Foreman for what relates to Monmouth. I am with the greatest regard Your Most obet servant

Go: Washington

LS, in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, PWacD: Sol Feinstone Collection, on deposit at PPAmP; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Lee replied to GW on 25 July.

1Col. David Forman relayed this information to GW verbally (see his letter to GW, 27–30 July).

2For the origin of this mission, see Nathanael Greene to GW, 22 July. Greene issued orders to Lee on 30 July, enclosing an impress warrant from GW (see GW to Greene, 30 July, and Greene Papers description begins Richard K. Showman et al., eds. The Papers of General Nathanael Greene. 13 vols. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1976–2005. description ends , 6:170). Lee had concluded his mission by 15 Aug., and he managed to collect 360 wagons (see Lee to GW, that date, and Lee to Greene, 16 Aug., in Greene Papers description begins Richard K. Showman et al., eds. The Papers of General Nathanael Greene. 13 vols. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1976–2005. description ends , 6:218).

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