To George Washington from John Jay, 3 February 1779
From John Jay
Philadelphia 3d Feby 1779
Your Excellency will herewith receive a Copy of an Act of Congress of the 2nd Inst: on the Subject of Aid to the States of Georgia & South-Carolina.1 I have the Honor to be with the greatest Respect & Esteem Your Excellency’s Most Obedt Servant
John Jay Presidt
LS, DLC:GW; LB, DNA:PCC, item 14
1. The enclosed act of 2 Feb. consists of resolutions directing that Pulaski’s Legion and the Continental troops said to be on furlough in North Carolina be ordered to march to South Carolina, that the Virginia and North Carolina governments be requested to send all possible military aid to South Carolina and Georgia at continental expense, that “orders be immediately Issued for transporting to South Carolina by the most safe and expeditious Carriage 128 barrels of Gun Powder and 12 Chests of Arms at Edenton [N.C.], & 125 Chests of Arms at Baltimore—all the property of the United States,” that Lieutenant Colonel Cambray-Digny of the engineer corps be ordered to expedite the transportation of those articles, that “fixed Amunition of four thousand 6 p[oun]ds, four thousand 4 p[oun]ds and four thousand grape iron shot, Thirty barrels of musket powder and Two thousand pounds of ball or lead be transported from Philadelphia to South Carolina by Sea,” that the marine committee provide a ship for that purpose, and that “the Commander in Chief be directed to order one or more engineers to repair immediately to South Carolina for the service of the Southern Department if he shall judge it necessary” (DLC:GW; see also , 13:132–33).