George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Edward Jones, 7 December 1772

From Edward Jones

December the 7th 1772


I Recd your Letter of the 4th Instant in which I find you Desire an Exact Account of all things Relating to my proceedings Since I Have Been your Overseer1 & In the first place you Inquire if I have done Lofting & prizing2 which I have not But if weather Permit I Shall Be Done by the Latter End of Next week as for what Quantity I Shall have of Each I Cannot tell as yet But I Shall Know by then your fellow Comes up again But I will Safely Secure the whole Mr powel & I am to Carry the Hogs Down this week and Concerning what you wrote about the Larger hogs I told Mr powel as for the other Stock I will take Care of as Long as I Stay3—& the fodder is safely Secured & as for the Rails & out houses I do not Intend to burn them Nor Let any Body do it if I Can help it but I hope Sir you do not Desire me to watch them a nites I paid your Mother 5£10/. Last fall She had 2 Shotes and 3 Lambs and in the Summer a Large Shote I had 4 Barrels of Corn of her and when it Came to be mesured it was But 17 Bushels the Rest I have not had an acct of as yet But you shall know the whole in my next I think Sir I have Been as perticular in Every thing as the Exactness of you[r] Letter Could Direct or you Could Desire I add no more but Remain your Most Hume Sert

Edward Jones


1Edward Jones was ending his tenure as overseer of Ferry Farm for Mary Washington and, since September 1771, for GW. GW had rented the farm to William Fitzhugh to begin in January 1773 and subsequently would sell it. See Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:60, Cash Accounts, April 1772, n.9, and Fielding Lewis to GW, c.29 Dec. 1772, n.1.

2Lofting tobacco was placing or storing it in a loft; prizing tobacco was forcing or packing it into a cask, usually by means of a prize.

3In September 1771 GW engaged William Powell “to look after my Mothers [Little Falls] Quarter on Rappahannock,” after Mary Washington had decided to move from Ferry Farm across the river into Fredericksburg. He renewed the agreement in October 1772 (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:59, 135).

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