George Washington Papers

Appendix C. List of Artisans and Household Slaves in the Estate, c.1759

Appendix C

List of Artisans and Household Slaves in the Estate


Tradesmen belonging to the Estate
Names Age Occupation
Peter1 39 } Carpenter’s
Ned 48
Morrice 29 W2
Ned 32
Jack Palmer 28
Isaac 28 W
Mike 22
Tom 30 W
Jack a boy 15
Squire 21 } Shirtmaker’s
Scomberg 42 W
Crispin 50 Tanner’s3
Servants in & abt the House
Names Age business
W Breechy 24 Waiter
W Mulatto Jack 41 Jobber
Julius 10 Waits on Jacky Custis
Moll 19 Waits on Ditto & Miss Patcy Sews &ca for them
W Doll 38 Cook
W Beck 23 Scullion
Mima 36 Ironer
W Jenny 39 Washer
W Sally 15 Mrs Washington’s Maid
Rose 12 Miss Patcy’s Maid
Phillis 25 Spinner
W Betty 21 Seamstress

AD, in GW’s hand, ViHi: Custis Papers. It has not been determined exactly when or why GW made this list of the artisans and household servants belonging to the Custis estate. Some of these people either accompanied Martha and her children to Mount Vernon in April 1759 or followed soon after, and in the listing of his tithables in Fairfax County, May 1760, GW gives the names of nearly half of these people as house servants or carpenters at Mount Vernon. See also the listing of slaves in the Combined County Inventory, doc. III-A–1.

1GW listed “Anthony—55” above Peter but crossed this out.

2GW wrote “W” beside the names of eleven tradesmen and servants, presumably all dower slaves. See the listing of house servants and tradesmen in the assignment of the widow’s dower (doc. III-A).

3GW originally listed “Macon—30” as the second tanner and then crossed his name out.

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