James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 16 June 1815

From James Monroe

Albemarle June 16. 1815.

Dear Sir

I have receivd yours of the 12th. Since my return home I have recover’d daily from the debilitating effect of my late indisposition, so that I have reason to presume on a thorough restoration in a short time, if circumstances shod. allow me to remain here. I feel however uneasy lest something shod. occur in which my absence might be improper. I am surprised that we hear nothing from our ministers. They surely would not remain abroad if they had not the prospect of forming a treaty with Engld., and yet it is strange, if they have, that they do not advise of it.

The change in the letter to Mr Baker was very proper. I felt uneasy till I heard of it, after finding by a letter from mr Dallas, that Indian hostilities continued in the quarter dependant on Michilamackinac.

To mr Changuyon I will write by the next mail. With affectionate respect

Jas Monroe

RC (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers). Docketed by JM.

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