James Madison Papers

From James Madison to James Monroe, 14 June 1815

To James Monroe

Washington June 14. 1815

Dear Sir

Nothing important has occurred since my last.1 The inclosed letter from Dr. Jackson was accompanied with a letter from the Emperor Nap: and another from Caulaincort, circulars, such as have been in our prints, with a few adaptations to the U.S.2 Genl. Wilkinson rejects an offered Commission for Treating with the N. W. Indians. The others appd. are Harrison, in his place, McArthur, & John Graham. It was known that the last would be gratified with it, and understood that it wd. not much prolong his intended stay in the W. Country. Nothing has been comunicated [sic] by Mr. Serrurier, since his recet. of the despatches referred to by Dr. Jackson.3 It is probable they are of the same import with those directly to this Govt. Yrs. affey

James Madison

RC (DLC: Monroe Papers).

2The enclosed letter, presumably from Paris charge des affaires Henry Jackson, has not been found. The accompanying documents were probably Napoleon to JM, 4 Apr. 1815, and Caulaincourt to Monroe, 4 Apr. 1815 (DNA: RG 59, NFL, France). The printed versions of these letters to which JM referred, addressed to the sovereigns and foreign ministers of Europe, were published in the Providence Rhode-Island American, and General Advertiser on 6 June 1815.

3On 26 Apr. 1815 departing U.S. minister to France William Harris Crawford wrote Monroe from Paris that Caulaincourt had sent him “six packets in duplicate, directed to you & to Mr Serurier, with a request that I would transmit them by different conveyances” (DNA: RG 59, DD, France).

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