James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Gavino, 20 June 1802 (Abstract)

§ From John Gavino

20 June 1802, Gibraltar. No. 90. Encloses copies of letters from Simpson of 17 and 18 June.1 The emperor of Morocco “not only renews his Demands for Pasports for to send wheat to Tripoly, but wants to take out the Tripolin Ship blocaded here under his Flag, for particulars of which referr to Comodor Morris & Consul Simpsons Dispatches which the former Gentn will forward.” Morris will go to Tangier at “the first fair wind” to consult with Simpson, but no doubt the consul will refuse the Moroccan request and in consequence be obliged to leave. The emperor has no cruisers ready for sea but may send out small ones soon. Encloses a copy of his circular to U.S. consuls on the subject.2 Reports Algerines have taken two British ships; “a 74 with a frigate is gone up to Enquire into the business.” Lord Keith “saild for England but put back & is wind bound.”3

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