James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Simpson, 17 June 1802

From James Simpson

No. 42.

Tangier 17h. June 1802.


Its with great concern I am under the necessity of acquainting you, that either the information given the Swedish Consul and myself on Sunday last, respecting His Imperial Majesty having consented to allow his Wheat Vessels to go to Tunis, was extremely fallacious on the part of the Governour of Tangier, or the Emperour must have very speedily repented of having taken that resolution. This morning at Nine OClock the Governour sent for me again, to say he had received fresh Instructions from His Majesty, with Orders to demand from me Passports for those Vessels to go direct to Tripoly, and in case of refusal that I was to quit the Country, adding that the Letter was written in such strong terms, as must prevent his consenting to any mitigation. After a very long conferrence, he at last however allowed me time to write to Commodore Morris at Gibraltar, which I am now about to do fully, on his answer will depend my remaining in this Country, or being compelled to retire from it.1 As a Portuguese Brig of War is on immediate departure for Gibraltar, I must beg your excuse for not enlargeing farther, than to assure you nothing possible for me to accomplish, for good of the Public Service on this occasion, shall be neglected. I have the honour to be with sentiments of the highest respect Sir Your Most Obedient and Most Humble Servant

James Simpson

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