James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Daniel Brent, 21 May 1802

From Daniel Brent

Washington, May 21st 1802.


You will receive herewith, under another cover, such letters belonging to the Office as may be interesting to you, and that I have opened since Tuesday last. And you will also receive, in the same package, several unopened ones, that have likewise reached the office since that day. I retain one of the papers referred to in Mr Skipwith’s letter that I may send extracts of it to the persons interested.1 General Dearborn has seen Governor Claiborne’s.2

Mr Pintard,3 of Hamburg, has drawn upon you in favor of Daniel McCormick, of New York, for 600 Dolls. & 73 Cents: and the latter has just sent the Bill hither, in a letter addressed to yourself, requesting payment.4 Mr Pintard advised you some time ago that he should make this dft., and sent his accounts then, which are now at the Treasury. Under these circumstances, it may be well, perhaps, that the Bill should be honored: but in this case it will be necessary to send it back to N York, that Mr McCormick may authorise some one here to receive the money, which is not payable (the bill is at 30 days sight) ’till you will probably have returned. In the mean time, however, you will give such instructions in the case as you shall think proper. With the most respectful attachment, I am, Sir, Your very Obedt & faithful servt.

Danl Brent.

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