James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Fulwar Skipwith, 14 March 1802 (Abstract)

§ From Fulwar Skipwith

14 March 1802, Paris. Has not written to JM since Livingston’s arrival, having had nothing to report on American claims. “Respecting those Claims, I here submit two separate Statements,1 the first comprehending, under different heads, such as were committed to my charge, whilst in the Office of Consul General, and those … that have been intrusted to me, since my coming to the place of Commercial Agent. The second Statement exhibits, with remarks on the Papers wanting those that cannot be prosecuted untill the necessary Documents shall be sent forward.2 All of the first Class are now before the Commission of Comptabilité, for the Purpose of being revised and liquidated,… but [the commission’s] powers only extend to giving Certificates of liquidation, which are afterwards subject to the Inspection and Controul of the Government.” Doubts that Livingston’s efforts to obtain relief for claimants will be successful; “I am but too well satisfied that he will not find in the Governt. either the intention or disposition of rendering Justice on the score of my Countrymen’s Claims.” Under this impression and having little else to do, plans to embark in early summer on a visit to Virginia, leaving Thomas Melville, Jr., in charge of agency business. Seeks president’s approval.

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