James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Gavino, 5 May 1802 (Abstract)

§ From John Gavino

5 May 1802, Gibraltar. No. 86. Refers JM to his dispatch no. 85 [not found]. Reports arrival on 25 Apr. from Tunis of “the American Ship Gloria Commanded by Jo: Bounds taken in the service by Consul Eaton, who brought me the Inclosed dispatches, to which & the Copy of said Gentlemans Letter to me anexd, beg leave to referr.” The commander of the Tripolitan ship laid up at Gibraltar has returned from Tangier “but has caused no movement.” Sir James Saumarez is charged with the evacuation of Minorca.1 The U.S. frigate Constellation, Captain Murray, “this day Anchord in this Bay,” as did the Essex and Philadelphia, “and as the latter goes Home, Capn: Barron will be the bearer of this and to whom referr for the Occurrencies on this side of the Globb.”

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