James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Horatio Gates, 16 February 1802

From Horatio Gates

N York 16th: Febry: 1802:

My dear Friend

This will be presented to you by my Old Friend, & Companion in the War, General Ebenezer Stevens; for particulars more explanatory relating to Him, I must refer you to my Letter to The president,1 which goes by the same conveyance. Read that, with attention; and you will be satisfied with the Information I wish you fully to understand. The less his political Merit, the more generosity in your Bounty. Take him for this once by the Hand; He has a large Family, & his Success in the Business he goes to Solicit, will be of considerable Benefit to Them. Dr: Eustace who served with me, & immediately attached to the Corps General Stevens Commanded, will give every information in regard to the General you may wish to know.

Mr: D’Wit Clinton, Elected into The Senate in the place of General Armstrong, goes with Gen: S. to Washington. Inclosed I send you Armstrongs last Letter to me;2 it will convince you of the Steaddiness, and just intention of General Armstrong; this, is a Secret communication which I wish you to know; when you have Leizure, send me Armstrongs Letter. I wrote to you lately. When you please drop me a line of acknowledgement. Believe me always Your Faithfull, & Affectionate Friend,

Horatio Gates

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