James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Horatio Gates, 11 February 1802

From Horatio Gates

New York 11th: Feb: 1802:

My dear Sir

My [sic] Armstrong has Sacrificed his Seat in the Senate, to his patriotism;1 he resigned about the 3d. Inst: afflicted with an inveterate Rheumatism, that has Tormented him all the Winter, he found himself unable to attend his Duty in Congress, and forthwith sent his Resignation to the Legislature, then in Session at Albany; this should, & I have no doubt will, have its weight with every Friend to Republican Government; Inclosed is a Letter for Mr: Pichon, Consul General of France; you will Oblige me in having it deliverd to Him. I hope the Summer will bring you this way, the Doors of Rose Hill2 will Fly open to receive You; present my most respectfull, & Affectionate Compts: to The President, & assure the S: of The Treasury that he has my sincere esteem, with unalterable attachement to You I am Your Obedt: Servt:

Horatio Gates

P. S:

pray present Mrs: Gates’s & My Compts:, to Mrs: Maddison.

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