James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Russell, 24 October 1796

From William Russell

Orange Ct. House, Octr. 24th. 1796.


Inclosed are the different papers relative to my Claim against the United States, and shall esteem it a singular favor of you to petition Congress in my behalf for the Money.1 Any Expence attending the business shall be readily paid. I am sir, yr mo. Obt Servt.

Wm. Russell.

RC (DLC). Addressed by Russell to JM at Orange. Docketed by JM, 26 Oct. 1796. Enclosures not found. Endorsed in JM’s hand, possibly written over later in JM’s life, as follows: “Opinion of Chairman Come. Claims in vain to apply now all decisions being adverse: if admissible must be in consequence of some general rule.”

1On Russell’s previous efforts concerning this claim, see Russell to JM, 22 Feb. 1796, and Richard Harrison to JM, 1 June 1796.

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