To James Madison from Richard Harrison, 1 June 1796
From Richard Harrison
Auditors Office 1. June 1796
Dr Sir
I herewith return to you Mr. Russells papers with my objection, being in substance what I had the honor to state on a former occasion. His claim, though apparently founded in justice, cannot be admitted at the Treasury without violating a principle which has been rigidly and, I believe, necessarily, adhered to; and without besides, interfering with Congress, to whose decision a number of cases of the same kind have been submitted. Most respectfully I am Dr. Sir Y Obed St
R. Harrison
RC and enclosure (DLC). RC addressed by Harrison. Enclosed William Russell to JM, 22 Feb. 1796. On the verso of the cover to Russell’s letter, Harrison wrote his objection, dated 1 June 1796: “It does not appear that any return was made by Mr Robertson of the services of Mr Russell, or of the Certificate which he gave. The Treasury, of course, is in possession of no document by which his Claim can be checked. His best way will be to petition Congress before whom are now pending many other Claims of the same kind.”