To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 14 January 1791
From Tench Coxe
Jany. 14th. 1791
Dear Sir
I have the Honor to enclose you a paper No. 3 on which the estimate was founded relative to the proportions of foreign & American Articles exported from Pennsylvania. The Estimate has slipt out of the paper & cannot now be found but it resulted in 4,000000 Drs. of Amn. produce & manufactures & 1,500,000 of foreign. This is above common years owing to the great prices of wheat & flour in 1789, and a great crop in the environs of Philada.
I add two returns of flour shipt in two years from Philada. with the ports of destination: also the return relative to the french trade which you requested & another that was recd. with it exhibiting the flour & grain from the United States to that Kingdom, exclusive of the shipments to her Colonies. The Article of Barley strikes me as erroneous in a very great degree.1 With great respect and esteem I am sir your most obedient Servant
Tench Coxe
RC (DLC). Addressed by Coxe. Enclosures not found.
1. JM probably sought this information at the request of the secretary of state, who was then preparing his Report on the Fisheries. Returns of French tonnage and of U.S. grain exports for 1789 were appended to that report, which was submitted on 1 Feb. 1791 ( , XIX, 168, 232–33).