James Madison Papers

From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 27 July 1788

To James Madison, Sr.

New York July 27. 1788.

Hond Sir

Since my arrival here I have been perfectly free from my bilious symptoms, and enjoy at present my usual share of health. John continues to be sick and is in very low plight indeed. Altho’ he walks about, I think his thorough recovery extremely doubtful. He was so ill in Philada. and my stay there so short that these circumstances added to my own indisposition at the time, prevented my taking any steps with regard to Anthony. Perhaps some other opportunity may offer for making the trial you suggested. I think however there is little ground to count on much success in the case.1

After a very tedious discussion, the Constitution has been ratified by the Convention of this State. It was carried by a majority of 5, the ays being 30. the noes 25. Amendments in general similar to those of Virga. are recommended, and a confidence expressed in the act of adoption that they will be incorporated in the Constitution. The Convention of N. Carolina has not been heard from since it met. Congress are at present making the arrangements for putting the Government into operation.

Remember me affectly to the family and be assured that I remain with every filial sentiment, Your Obedt son & servt.

Js. Madison Jr


1The slave Anthony had run away in June 1786, and after returning (or being returned) to Montpelier had fled a second time. The elder Madison evidently thought Anthony had gone to Philadelphia, perhaps to join Billey, JM’s former slave (PJM description begins William T. Hutchinson et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (vols. 1–10, Chicago, 1962–77; vols. 11—, Charlottesville, Va., 1977—). description ends , IX, 155 n. 1; X, 118; VII, 304 and n. 4). On 6 Sept., JM wrote his father that he did not believe Anthony was then in Philadelphia. “Indeed some circumstances wd almost tempt me to think he never has been there.”

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