From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 1 July 1788
To James Madison, Sr.
July 1. [1788]
Hond. Sir
I send herewith 2 Copies of the Federalist, one for Mr. Leland—the other for Mr. Bledsoe. From Fredg. I may send probably a few more to be distributed as you may think best. I am just setting out Northwardly. John is so well as to be able to travel. I continue well myself. My affecte. regards to my mother & family. Your dutiful son
Js. Madison Jr
RC (DLC). Docketed (by James Madison, Sr.?). The letter is docketed “July 6. 1788” and is placed under that date in the Madison Papers (DLC). The docket date is evidently a misreading of JM’s “1” for a “6” or perhaps indicates the day the letter was received. Internal evidence confirms 1 July as the correct date of the letter. JM was “just setting out Northwardly” and arrived at Mount Vernon on 4 July, where he stayed three nights before resuming his journey (Fitzpatrick, Washington Diaries, III, 384).