To James Madison from Joseph Jones, [ca. 6 January] 1783
From Joseph Jones
RC (LC: Madison Papers). See JM to Jones, 6 Jan. 1783, hdn.
[ca. 6 January 1783]
Mr. Jones begs to return to Mr. Madison the public letter and thanks him for his offer to answer it.1 Col. M.’s Letter contains not a word ab. the impost or indeed any thing of consequence—he only mentions Mr. Lee’s prevailing on taking the question to recall him2 and some further observ. respecting the office he formerly wished to be appointed to.3 My disorder has been much checked since yesterday.4
2. , V, 425; 426, n. 5; 427, nn. 6, 7.
3. The office to which Monroe, who was ineligible for promotion in the continental army, had “formerly” aspired was that of lieutenant colonel commandant of a Virginia state regiment (George Morgan, The Life of James Monroe [Boston, 1921], pp. 71–76); but his failure to procure military employment had been compensated by civil preferment ( , IV, 152; 154, n. 14; 209, n. 4).
4. To judge from the tallied polls, Jones had been absent from Congress on Friday, 3 January, and would not be present on Tuesday, 7 January 1783 ( , XXIV, 36, 40–42). See Delegates to Harrison, 7 Jan.; JM to Randolph, 7 Jan. 1783.