James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Joseph Jones, [ca. 6 January] 1783

To Joseph Jones

RC (LC: Madison Papers). JM’s note to Jones is on the upper portion of a page on which Jones, writing below the note, penned his reply. Neither writer dated or signed his communication. Many years later JM docketed the page, “Virga Govr. of (Harrison Jany. 7 1783.”

Editorial Note

On 6 January 1783 JM and Joseph Jones, who was unable to attend Congress because of ill health, were the only Virginia delegates in Philadelphia. Probably on that day, JM had Governor Harrison’s dispatch of 28 December 1782 (Papers of Madison description begins William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). description ends , V, 465), together with his own note of transmittal, taken to Jones. For the latter’s reply, see Jones to JM, 6 Jan. 1783. Since this exchange of notes related to the response which JM would make on behalf of the Virginia delegation to the governor’s communication, JM filed them with the draft copy of his letter of 7 January 1783 to Harrison (q.v.) and in his old age wrote the docket of that letter on the left margin of the page of notes.

[ca. 6 January 1783]

Mr. Jones will please to send back the public letter & Mr. M. will answer it, and the news from Col Monroe if any particularly as to the Impost,1 also how he2 finds himself to day

1A letter from James Monroe, a member of the Virginia Council of State, to his uncle Joseph Jones probably arrived in the same mail which included Governor Harrison’s dispatch to the Virginia delegates. Disappointed in his hope that the governor would have explained why the General Assembly had rescinded its ratification of the impost amendment, JM was eager to know whether Monroe had thrown light on that subject. See JM to Randolph, 7 Jan. 1783, and n. 2.


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