Credentials as a Delegate to Continental Congress, 15 June 1782
Credentials as a Delegate to Continental Congress
MS (NA: PCC, Credentials of Virginia Delegates, fol. 57). Docketed: “Credentials of the honr. James Madison Edmund Randolph Joseph Jones Theodk Bland Arthur Lee Delegates for the State of Virginia read & filed Novr 4th 1782.”
Resolved that James Madison jr., Edmund Randolph, Joseph Jones, Theoderick Bland jr., and Arthur Lee Esquires be appointed Delegates to represent this Commonwealth in Congress for one Year from the first Monday in November next.2
Archibald Cary S. S.
John Tyler S. H. D.3
1. The of 8 June announced that on 7 June, the General Assembly had “unanimously continued” the members of the Commonwealth’s delegation in Congress for another year. The delay of eight days before issuing the credentials is explained in Randolph to JM, 20 June, and n. 5; and in Jones to JM, 25 June 1782 (qq. v.).
2. Randolph declined the reappointment (Virginia Delegates to Harrison, 12 March 1782, n. 4). See also Randolph to JM, 10 May, and n. 11; 20 June, and n. 5; Harrison to Virginia Delegates, 8 June 1782.
3. The abbreviations after Cary’s and Tyler’s names stand for speaker of the Senate and speaker of the House of Delegates, respectively. The submission of these credentials to Congress on 4 November 1782 is recorded in , XXIII, 709. The retained copy of the manuscript in the Virginia Historical Society varies slightly in punctuation from the text sent to Congress and also abbreviates “junior” as “junr” after JM’s and Bland’s names.